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경인한국학연구총서 9
Han'guk Kǔndaesa wa Man'guk Kongbǒp
韓國 近代史와 萬國公法
Kim Se-min 저
April 30, 2002
No Time Limit
카트에 넣는 중...
This book explains concretely about Manguk Gongbeop, the international law in the 1900s, and describes how Wijeongcheoksapa(衛正斥邪波) recognized it, and how Korean accepted the international law in terms of history, throughout newspapers about Manguk Gongbeop(萬國公法) at that time. And also identifies how well Joseon(朝鮮) understood international law, furthermore how international law was applied and how it was handled in international society.
서론 ...1 제1장 조선의 개항과 만국공법 수용 ...11 제2장 만국공법 수용을 둘러싼 갈등과 국제관계 ...35 제3장 고종 및 朝野 지식인의 만국공법 인식 ...71 제4장 언론에 나타나는 만국공법 인식 ...125 결론 ...163 참고문선 ...171 일문초록 ...181 부록 ...185 찾아보기 ...217
Kim Se-min
Born in Busan in 1964. Graduated from Kangwon Univ. & Graduate school. (majored Korean History). Ph D. Professor at Sangji Yeongseo College, Korea National Open Univ., permanent member of the City History of Compilation Committee of Hanam. Professor at Kangwon Univ.
Son Sǔng-ch'ǒl, Lee Sang-bae, Kim Se-min 저
이장우, Kim Se-min 편