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경인한국학연구총서 62
Koryǒ Hugi Sawǒn Kyǒngje Yǒn'gu
高麗後期 寺院經濟 硏究
In Stock
Kyungin Publishing Co.
520 pages
July 21, 2008

In late Koryŏ(高麗) Period, temple economy was most flourish in our history and has serious contradiction and conflict at the same time. The conflict with farmer class, national economy and new-emerging class accepted new ideology was shown in the process of management of land, commercial activities and operating usurious business. There were also many disputes for economic issues in Buddhist world. Study on temple economy was digested being presupposed these problems. Understanding of temple economy can make recognize Buddhist fluctuations from basal. In addition, it is an important research project for understanding fluctuations of social economy because temple economy reflected social and economic problems at that time.

제1부 寺院經濟의 推移
제1장 高麗後期 寺院經濟의 問題와 對策
제2부 寺院의 變動과 寺院經濟
제1장 高麗後期 寺院의 亡廢化와 土地問題
제2장 高麗後期 寺院의 重修.重創과 經濟問題
제3장 高麗後期 寺院의 創建과 그 制限策
제4장 高麗後期 在元人의 佛事後援
제3부 寺院經濟의 事例
제1장 高麗 武人執權期 龍門寺.龍巖寺의 造營과 經濟運營
제2장 高麗 武人執權期 修禪社의 農莊經營
제3장 高麗末 朝鮮初 白羊寺의 重創과 經濟問題