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경인한국학연구총서 52
Nongam Kim Ch'ang-hyŏp yŏn'gu
農巖 金昌協 硏究
In Stock
Kyungin Publishing Co.
314 pages
May 15, 2007

The author was first interested in Nongam obtaining his prose collection, Nongamjip((農巖集) in early 1960s. A study of Kim Ch’ang-hyŏp already have been published. However, it focused only on poem of Sajang(詞章) and was a little bit incomplete because of being issued with other writers. This book examines widely ranging from ideology to studying and literature with consideration of biographical viewing. In terms of descriptive way, author tried to access fact based on archives and not to describe expatiation.

제1장 傳記的 考察
제1절 家門의 背景
제2절 生涯
제3절 人物 性格
제4절 趣味와 嗜好
제5절 健康과 家族
제6절 鷹巖과 三州의 생활
제7절 師友關係
제2장 文集과 編簒
제1절 문집
제2절 편찬
제3절 사상
제3장 學問
제1절 성리학의 전래과정과 그 경향
제2절 농암의 학문적인 태도
제3절 性惡論辨
제4절 四端七情說
제5절 四端七情說에 대한 論辨
제4장 文學
제1절 論評
제2절 농암의 散文
제3절 농암의 詩
제5장 結言