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경인한국학연구총서 8
Han-guk Kososol Pipyong Yon-gu
韓國 古小說批評 硏究
In Stock
Kyungin Publishing Co.
468 pages
April 6, 2002

The book is a critical study of Korean classical novels. It verifies relative characteristics and novel criticism between literatures such as articlesin Annals of Choson Dynasty, Choson Wangjosillok, Humyong, the beginning and ending of Samhansubyu, and the novel named Kwanghallugi. It also included Kososol Bipyong Yong-eo, the glossary at the end of the book.

서론 ...1
제1장 <朝鮮王朝實錄>에 나타난 小說批評 ...21
제2장 <欽英>에 나타난 小說批評 ...87
제3장 <三韓拾遺>에 대한 小說批評 ...129
제4장 <廣寒樓記>에 나타난 小說批評 ...181
제5장 '題小說詩'에 나타난 小說批評 ...241
결론 ...275
부록: 古小說批評 用語 ...285
참고문헌 ...407
영문초록 ...421
찾아보기 ...427