고려사학회연구총서 15
Koryǒ Sidae Wangsa Kuksa Yǒn'gu
高麗時代 王師, 國師 硏究
In Stock
Kyungin Publishing Co.
272 pages
Jan. 20, 2004
This book considers royal master, Wangsa(王師) national master, Kuksa(國師) in Koryŏ(高麗) period. There was less interest for proving specifically the influence of Buddhist in that period. Various approaches are needed to identify patterns of Buddhist in this period, understanding of Wangsa(王師) and Kuksa(國師) can be part of meeting this necessity. Kuksa(國師) existed since unification by Silla(新羅) period, Wangsa(王師) and Kuksa(國師) were appointed at the same time in Koryŏ(高麗) period and they were formerly on the top of King as 'King's mentor', 'teacher of the nation'. Therefore, studies on them need to be carried out concretely and specifically in terms of confirming the status of Koryŏ(高麗) period.
제1장 왕사·국사의 기원
제2장 고려전기 왕사·국사의 사례와 기능
제3장 고려후기 왕사·국사의 사례와 기능의 변화
제4장 왕사·국사의 자격과 대우
제5장 왕사·국사제의 운영과 그 목적