경인한국학연구총서 46
Chosŏn sidae chŏngch'i kwŏllyŏk kwa hwan'gwan
朝鮮時代 政治權力과 宦官
In Stock
Kyungin Publishing Co.
360 pages
Oct. 20, 2006
It is for studying a special social position, Hwan’gwan(宦官). This book examines how long they had existed, and how they took up in the process of change in the late Koryŏ and early Chosŏn. This is for reviewing their origin, the process of settlement and cognitive transition, based on reflecting research results of complementary author's dissertation.
제1장 고려시대 환관제의 양상
제2장 국초 내시부 변천과 환관의 임무
제3장 조선전기 환관제의 정비와 정책 변경
제4장 조선후기 환관제의 기능변화와 개혁론