경인한국학연구총서 35
Koryǒ ǔi Husamguk Tongil Kwajǒng Yǒn'gu
高麗의 後三國 統一過程 硏究
In Stock
Kyungin Publishing Co.
340 pages
Feb. 21, 2004
This book reconstructs specifically the correlation among three kingdoms and reviews the unification policy of these countries in the later three kingdoms era. The author complement through the several fieldworks to overcome the problems of methodology and limited materials as progressing this study. In addition, we can approach the unification policies that these two countries, Goryo and Hubaekje, pursued.
1.후백제와 진봉의 관계
2.고려건국초기 후백제와의 관계
3.공산전투의 배경과 전개과정
4.고창전투 전후의 양국관계
5.일리천전투와 고려의 통일