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경인한국학연구총서 21
Han'guk Kǔnhyǒndaesaǔi T'amgu
韓國近現代史의 探究
Cho Dong-gǒl 저
In Stock
Kyungin Publishing Co.
672 pages
Nov. 29, 2003
카트에 넣는 중...

This book is one book gathered author's research paper. The author is a professor emeritus of Kookmin University, Cho Dong-gul, estimate as an authority in modern and contemporary history of Korea. He is also considered as a first generation of researchers who studied independence movement in Korea and educated followers since 1970s when special researchers of this field were unprecedented. Kim Sam-ung, former Independence hall Chief, commented on him "Great positivist and ethnic historian who received the spirit of Tanjae Sin Ch'ae-ho(丹齋申采浩)."

Cho Dong-gǒl