고려사학회연구총서 6
Koryǒ Sidae Kyoyuk Chedosa Yǒn'gu
高麗時代 敎育制度史 硏究
In Stock
Kyungin Publishing Co.
320 pages
Oct. 15, 2002
This book is described on purpose of revealing educational system in Koryŏ(高麗) period. The author describes this subject into five chapters - schools and installation of national Confucian academy, Kukchagam(國子監), educational reforming in early Koryŏ(高麗) period, evolution of educational system in late Koryŏ(高麗) period, country-district schools, establishment and development of Hyanggyo(鄕校) and establishment and transition of twelve assemblies, Sahak 12to(私學十二徒). Each chapter is independent research paper and has each argument. In addition, the author also considers how each educational system had been changed in the course of continuous changing history.
제1장. 고려전기의 국자감 ...21
제2장. 고려중기의 국자감 개혁과 그 운용 ...85
제3장. 고려 후기 국학의 변천 ...157
제4장. 고려시대 향교의 성립과 발전 ...185
제5장. 사학십이도의 성립과 변천 ...239